Eager to Play TicTacToe? The package neckar contains a fully functional reinformcement learning model to train yourself and play against in the game TicTacToe. Here’s how you can simply download and install the result if you have a gitlab account (and can set up a personal access token…):
pip install neckar --extra-index-url https://__token__:personalaccesstoken@gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/37714906/packages/pypi/simple … and if you don’t: Download the wheel from this link, cd to the wheel and run
Update 2018-02-17: The title of this article has changed reflecting new information I have received since publishing. For mor information, I refer to the last paragraph.
A treasure trove of leaked passwords The API of pwnedpasswords.com is quite remarkable. It not only allows you to fetch the results generally obtained by typing in your e-mail into the browser interface and finding out whether or not you've been pwned from the comfort of your shell.
I have a personal Google account, complete with gmail, gdrive and everything else. I first opened it up as a sort of spam email for all kinds of logins, but started to it use more and more due to its convenience. I was always slightly worried about the magnitude of data collected by Google on me, yet I never found a way to pinpoint exactly the extent of my slight worrying.